Who are we?
We are not a separate buying or selling organization but rather increase the capacity of the work being conducted within the existing organizations. The SC Food Hub Network is group of established food hubs in South Carolina passionate about cultivating a relationship based food system that provides local farmers with personalized resources and markets while ensuring customers are able to secure source identified food traced from harvest to market. Our vision is a thriving local food system for South Carolina and the region.

What is a food hub?
As defined by the USDA, a food hub is “a centrally located facility with a business management structure facilitating the aggregation, storage, processing, distribution, and/or marketing of locally/regionally produced food products." The SC Food Hub Network identifies food hub members as an Active Food Hub or an Emerging Food Hub.

Our Mission
Our mission is to ensure food hubs of South Carolina have the capacity, network, and support to advance the visibility and viability of local farms by connecting local foods to local markets. We achieve our mission by working together as a network to coordinate efforts to increase efficiency from farm to table through coordinated regional crop planning, logistics, and farmer training. Network members work with local farmers from planning and harvest to sales and delivery ensuring farmers at any scale can participate in the market.